Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Cooking Class

Today we had a cooking class. We learned how to make Pebre (a pico de gallo type salsa), Sopaipillas, Pan Amasado, and Empanadas. Like an idiot, I forgot my camera, but I'll wait for people to put pictures us on facebook and steal them to post on this blog. For now, you'll have to live with these web photos.



Pan Amasado


We were split into groups and I was in the Sopaipilla group. I'm not a pro but I have the recipes for all of them and would like to try and make some when I get home. Hopefully they'll turn out as good as they did today.

¡Buen Provecho!

1 comment:

  1. Wow Goob! A cooking class?! That's awesome! I've been taking notes so I can try to cook a Bolivian meal when I get back if someone asks me to. I'm gonna want to taste our Chilean meal when I get back to school!
